It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

Spaddy’s is open!

Spaddy’s Coffee in Seminole Heights, as seen from the parking lot on Nebraska Avenue. Tap to view at full size.

Seminole Heights’ seal, which depicts a two-headed alligatorHooray! It looks like Spaddy’s, my regular coffee place, made it through the hurricane. The only damage seems to be a lack of bread for their fantastic Cuban toast with cheese, which should be coming back later this week.

Spaddy’s Coffee in Seminole Heights, as seen from the table at the back by the old rusted VW vanagon. Tap to view at full size.
It Happened to Me Music

Underappreciated Canadian rock tune of the day: “Armageddon” by Prism (1979)

Last night, I had a dream where Armageddon, a 1979 song by Vancouver-based band Prism — a song I haven’t even thought about in a very long time — featured prominently. If you grew up in Canada in the early 1980s and listened to FM rock station, you’ll recognize the tune as soon as you hear the horns playing the opening march. If you’re not from that place or time, prepare to be rocked:

It’s an over-the-top number, clocking in at a few seconds under 8 minutes, but it doesn’t feel like an 8-minute drag. In fact, if you didn’t pay too close attention to the fact that it’s a song about nuclear annihilation, you might think it was the perfect tune for driving down the highway with volume cranked and the top down — and it is! It’s catchy orchestral classic rock that would fit in perfectly in a set with the Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin, and Queen.

I will admit to once owning this button and proudly wearing it on a denim jacket:

I’ve used Armageddon as an example song to teach people how to play by ear. Even if you’ve never heard the song before, it’s catchy enough that you want to learn it, and just complex enough to give you a little challenge. (In case you’re wondering, the intro, outro, and chorus are in the key of E, and the verses are in B.)

I’m definitely adding this to my “having beers on the front porch” playlist.

Florida It Happened to Me Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Hurricane Ian progress report: The aftermath

It’s the day after Hurricane Ian in Tampa.

The yard’s a big green mess, and I’ll need to drive a couple of nails into the fence, but upon preliminary inspection, there doesn’t seem to be any appreciable damage.

I normally don’t schooch my car that close to the fence and alcove, but I did so for the hurricane, and I’m glad I did! A branch from one of our live oaks came down on it, but its force was blunted by the fence. It didn’t even make a scratch.

Scott, a local developer is building two houses behind ours, and I just called him to let him know that one of the palm trees on the lot keeled over in the winds. Luckily for him, it fell away from the houses.

I should get some work done, and I’ve got a hot date with a rake and broom later on this afternoon.

Florida Stranger than Fiction The Current Situation

Hurricane Ian follies, part 7: Just use the unlubricated kind!

There are still a lot of prudes here in the Excited States, as evidenced by these headlines, listed in order of increasing inanity:

The reporter in question is Kyla Galer, a reporter from Fort Myers’ WBBH News, who used an old sound engineering trick to protect her microphone when reporting on Hurricane Ian’s progress.

A good microphone can be an expensive investment, and being electrical devices, they can be damaged by moisture. Many audio and video techs use condoms — the unlubricated kind, of course — to cover microphones, and wireless microphone transmitter packs to protect them from moisture at outdoor gigs, or even from sweaty musicians.

They come in several colors, too! Tap to view the source.

They’re much cheaper when you buy them loose and in bulk, which America’s Condom Superstore will gladly sell to you — a mere $15 will get you 50 of these condoms. Perfect if you’re using them to protect sound equipment, or just a cheap fucker.

Florida It Happened to Me Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Hurricane Ian progress report: Hangin’ in there

Tap to view at full size.

The wind continues to blow, and the rain keeps coming down, but we still have power and there’s no apparent damage to the house.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods Florida It Happened to Me The Current Situation

Hurricane Ian progress report: Scorpions on accordion

Florida of the Day funny The Current Situation

Hurricane Ian follies, part 6: It’s a fair question