Stranger than Fiction The Current Situation

The “Gen Z” version of “Harry Potter” seems lowkey sus

Here’s the text with link annotations for the Zoomer blabber…

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, liked flexing that they very basic, thank u. Tbh they were the last people you’d think would be sus, but they were all fax no printer.

Mr. Dursley was adulting at a firm called Grunnings, which made drills.

He was a dummy thiccc (w/ three Cs) man with hardly any neck, although he had an absolute unit of a mustache. Mrs. Dursley was a total Karen with zero chill and had hella neck, which came in very useful when she was stalking her neighbours and not minding her own.

The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley who they thought was the main character. The Dursleys were mostly thriving, but they also had lowkey tea which didn’t pass the vibe check and their greatest fear was to get called out and cancelled. They were girlbossing too close to the sun and didn’t think they could…

Don’t drag Gen Z kids for using the word “unalive.” As un-erudite as it sounds, it has a clever origin: it was coined to get around automated social media filters that block words like kill, death, and similar terms, yet doesn’t its meaning is easily grasped by people who’ve never encountered the word before.

The More You Know...

Helpful hints for a possible “Terminator” future

I’m sharing this image in the hope that it won’t be useful information.

Diagram showing the weak points on a Boston Dynamics robot “dog:” battery and CPU in its “belly”, limb actuators where its legs meet its body, and visual and audio sensors in its “head.”

It Happened to Me Slice of Life Work

Office scene: Monday, January 9, 2023

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This is a still from a Zoom chat I had earlier this morning. I rearranged my home office over the holidays, and it’s looking pretty sharp!


Two years ago today…

Editorial cartoon by Mike Luckovich featuring the January 6th crowd gathered in front of the U.S. Capitol Building and Donald Trump in a director’s chair yelling “Action!”
Tap to view at full size.
America The Current Situation

ChatGPT’s advice for Kevin McCarthy

With Kevin McCarthy failing to win the vote to become Speaker of the House for the 11th time, he’s probably looking for fresh advice. Has he tried ChatGPT?

If he hasn’t, that’s okay — I asked on his behalf:

Here’s the text of my question and ChatGPT’s answer:

Me: I just lost the vote for Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 11th time in a row. 11 consecutive losses is unprecedented in the entire history of the United States. The number of votes against me has increased over these elections. Should I try again?

ChatGPT: It is understandable that you may be feeling discouraged after losing the vote for Speaker of the House of Representatives 11 times in a row. However, it is important to remember that each situation is unique, and it may be worth considering whether continuing to pursue the position is a worthwhile use of your time and resources.

If you believe that you are the best candidate for the position and have a strong vision for how to lead the House of Representatives, then it may be worth continuing to advocate for your position. However, it may also be worthwhile to consider the reasons why you have not been successful in the past and whether there are any changes you can make to increase your chances of success. This could include seeking feedback from your colleagues, adjusting your approach, or building alliances with other members of the House.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to try again will depend on your goals and the specific circumstances you are facing. It may be helpful to seek advice from trusted colleagues or advisors before making a decision.

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

“Ring the bell or the goat for service.”

I, of course, went with the goat.

Here’s the video — you’ll need to turn up your sound:

Seminole Heights’ seal, which depicts a two-headed alligator

If you’re in Tampa, you can experience the goat, along with some really good coffee in a pleasant outdoor space, at the Seminole Heights branch of Spaddy’s Coffee.

funny Geek

The first law of thermodynamics

Tyler Durden (played by Brad Pitt) in the scene from “Fight Club” where he explains Fight Club’s first rule, but the caption reads “The first law of thermodynamics is that you do not talk about thermodynamics.”
Tap to view at full size.

I hear that Carnot Club meets in secret locations.