
Arby’s Vodka

That’s right: Arby’s Vodka.  It’s being made by Tattersall, a Minneapolis-based distillery that makes some decent stuff, including a fernet that I rather like. And it’s supposed to come in two flavors that you’d find at Arby’s: Crinkle Fry Curly Fry I’m not a regular consumer of franchise fast food, and my opinion of Arby’s […]


Terminated in 2020, part 1: How you know you’re being laid off and what to do first

You’ll probably sense it coming Tuesday, April 9, 2020 — 8:30 a.m.: I was setting up my gear on our screened-in front porch (pictured above). The neighborhood’s quiet enough that I can actually get work done there. The occasional neighbor passes by, running an errand or getting some exercise, and most of them wave or […]


Current geopolitics, explained in a single meme

Trump’s the kind of guy who thinks the Hooters waitress likes him. The result of the unneccesarily bromance-y Trump-Kim talks was an extremely vaguely-worded agreement that’s weaker than the one from the “Six Party Talks” of 2005, and in return, the US is halting joint military exercises with South Korea, which is one of the […]


Weekend reading for mid-lifers

Anitra and me on our Disney World honeymoon. It’s been just over 6 years since my personal Great Reset and all that ensued, from winding up in the ICU with killer flu to non-dates gone tragicomically wrong to meeting someone new and then moving from Toronto to Tampa and marrying her. It’s been a wonderful adventure, […]


Two years ago today…

Click the photo to see it at full size. Has it already been two years? Happy anniversary, sweetie! I’ll let the pictures, both still and moving, tell the story… Click the photo to see it at full size. Click the photo to see it at full size. Click the photo to see it at full […]


Okilly Dokilly, the Ned Flanders-themed metal band

Stupid sexy Flanders. Of course there’s a Ned Flanders-themed metal band. The real question is: what took them so long? Okilly Dokilly — notice the embedded KILLs in their name — are from Phoenix, and according to their Facebook page, they’re the “world’s only Nedal band”. Listen closely to the tracks below, and you’ll discover […]


T-shirt of the day: Simpsonic Youth!

I love this T-shirt design: Click the t-shirt design to see the source. It combines this Sonic Youth album cover… …and this classic bit from The Simpsons: In the spirit of Throwback Thursday, here’s Sonic Youth’s Goo in its entirety!