And hey, you have even less of an excuse if you can work from home.
Camera roll (Sunday, July 10, 2022)
Friends from Canada were visiting Sarasota, so we drove down to meet them. It was one of those days where you’re enjoying the company so much that you forget to take a lot of photos, but the ones I got were pretty good.
Another day, another 10K.
I hop on the bike about 5 days a week on average, typically in the morning before it gets too hot (or in the summers, before the storms hit).
I typically cover a 10-kilometer (about 6.2 miles) distance. I often get the grocery shopping and other local errands done this way, which cuts the number of times I fill my car’s gas tank to about once a month and reduces my risk of death from heart disease, stroke, or just general First World Flab.
The philosophy chez Anitra and Joey
Earlier today, I Googled the proper spelling of the (ahem) colloquial Italian phrase “Che cazzo?”, a phrase that translates as “WTF?” (I’ll explain in a later post.)
I noticed that Google also has a translation for “MF,” but not the one you’re likely to mean unless you’re a sight-reading musician:
Go ahead, try the search out for yourself:
It’s real. Here’s the original tweet.