It Happened to Me

New aloha shirt #3

New aloha shirt #3 (of many). Tap to view at full size.

Here’s the third of many vintage aloha shirts that I bought from Emily and Mike Stehle at last weekend’s Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway, and it’s got swordfish aplenty!

Emily and Mike Stehle’s stand at the Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway. Tap to view at full size.

Aloha shirts — a.k.a. “Hawaiian shirts” — are my sartorial “thing”, and the Stehles have the best selection I’ve seen in a long time. I bought a lot of them, and over the week, I’ll post them here. The photo at the top of this article is the second in the set.

More aloha shirt reading


Quirky Filipino nicknames, explained

If you have Filipino family or friends, you’ve probably encountered a nickname or two that seem really weird by non-Filipino standards.

Case in point: the comedian whose legal name is Joseph Herbert, but who’s better known as Jo Koy:

Anitra, Jo Koy, and me. Tap to view at full size.


Here’s an explainer for these nicknames, courtesy of OneDown, whose slogan is “Redefining Filipino in today’s modern world”.

The slide above might be wrong — here’s another explanation for the nickname “Totoy”:

(Kuya is the title for “big brother”, and ate is the title for “big sister”.)


Arby’s Vodka

Yup, this is real. Tap to visit the Arby’s Vodka site.

That’s right: Arby’s Vodka. 

It’s being made by Tattersall, a Minneapolis-based distillery that makes some decent stuff, including a fernet that I rather like.

And it’s supposed to come in two flavors that you’d find at Arby’s:

  • Crinkle Fry
  • Curly Fry

I’m not a regular consumer of franchise fast food, and my opinion of Arby’s is perfectly summed up in this Simpsons quote…

…but hey, I’m up for trying a bottle of french-fry flavored vodka, perhaps in the form of a shot topped with ketchup or garlic mayo.

Want to find out more? The details are at

It Happened to Me

New aloha shirt #2

New aloha shirt #2 (of many). Tap to view at full size.

Here’s the second of many vintage aloha shirts that I bought from Emily and Mike Stehle at last weekend’s Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway, and it’s got swordfish aplenty!

Emily and Mike Stehle’s stand at the Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway. Tap to view at full size.

Aloha shirts — a.k.a. “Hawaiian shirts” — are my sartorial “thing”, and the Stehles have the best selection I’ve seen in a long time. I bought a lot of them, and over the week, I’ll post them here. The photo at the top of this article is the second in the set.

More aloha shirt reading

It Happened to Me

New aloha shirt #1

New aloha shirt (of many). Tap to view at full size.

An unexpected benefit of going to the Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway was that Emily and Mike Stehle’s vintage aloha shirt shop was there:

Emily and Mike Stehle’s stand at the Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway. Tap to view at full size.

Aloha shirts — a.k.a. “Hawaiian shirts” — are my sartorial “thing”, and the Stehles have the best selection I’ve seen in a long time. I bought a lot of them, and over the week, I’ll post them here. The photo at the top of this article is the first in the set.

More aloha shirt reading

Save the aloha shirt from the alt-right
The “boogaloo boys” have adopted the aloha shirt as part of their uniform, and that’s a bad thing. To do my part to take it back from them, this article features photos of me in some of my favorite aloha shirts.

Public service announcement: Don’t tuck in your Aloha (a.k.a. “Hawaiian”) shirt
It wasn’t made for that.


America Satire The Current Situation

Public service announcement

[Satire.] Tap to view at full size.

There will be people who will try to convince you that it’s code for “Fuck Joe Biden,” but that’s not the case. The “Fuck Joe Biden” crowd are supposed to be strong First Amendment supporters who back up their words with the Second Amendment, and wouldn’t hide behind a a weasel-word phrase in such a scaredy-cat grade school fashion.

Slice of Life

Some birthday advice from my doctor

Tap to view at full size.