
Did Rob Ford Pull a “Mr. Snrub” and Pretend to be His Own Fan on a Call-In Radio Show?

Yes, this is Photoshoppery. Remember that Simpsons episode when Mr. Burns showed up in a terrible disguise as “Mr. Snrub, from…someplace far away” at a Springfield town hall meeting to suggest that the town give some money to his nuclear power plant? What sort of person would think that such obvious astroturfing would fool anyone […]



If you’re on the Harper Government’s “enemies list”, the Eye of Stephen may seek you out! As a follow-up to my previous post about the Canadian Prime Minister’s office sending “enemies lists” as part of the orientation materials for his new people, here’s a collection of similar “Shit Lists” and other related goodies. The “You […]


The “Hit by a Bus” Supercut

In some software and engineering projects, the question is sometimes raised: “What if [some key person] is hit by a bus?”. It’s a morbid way of putting it, but the concern raised is a valid one: does the success of this project hang on one or a few key people? The question has been asked […]


R.I.P. Michael O’Hare, a.k.a. Commander Jeffrey Sinclair from “Babylon 5”

Michael O’Hare, probably best known amongst geeks including Yours Truly as “Commander Jeffrey Sinclair” and later “Valen” from the 1990s sci-fi TV series Babylon 5, passed away yesterday. In addition to being on the underappreciated Babylon 5, he had other notable roles in the original stage version of Aaron Sorkin’s A Few Good Men and […]


American Voters: Vote for Canada!

We’ve been your neighbour since the beginning, your biggest trading partner and the Simpsons to your Flanders. Maybe you’d like to put us in charge this November. Vote for the Canada Party! Found via George “Ol’ Pal Hotchner” Scriban.


Mitt Romney’s “Gabbo Moment” [Updated]

There’s a Simpsons quote for every occasion, and in this particular case, I think the right one comes from the episode titled Krusty Gets Kancelled, the one in which Gabbo makes his debut: “47% of the voters are S.O.B.’s.” In the episode, Gabbo speaks his true feelings about the children during a commercial break, unaware that Bart […]


Your Church is Intriguing to Me and I Wish to Subscribe to Your Newsletter

I like the way this guy thinks. I would’ve have thrown booze into the mix, but I assume it’s implied. (I draw this from the Catholic sacrament of confession, in which there are two assumptions: you have sinned, and the priest is drunk.) I wonder if he has any connection to the vicar in Sheffield […]