The More You Know...

The Book of Great Evil

…and the worst part is 💩THE SPEECH💩. That’s 60 pages of my life I’m never getting back.

I think it was after reading it that I came up with my favorite critique: “I’ve seen better paper after wiping my ass.”

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

Me and Anitra on Beach Drive

Joey deVilla and Anitra Pavka on Beach Drive, St. Petersburg, Florida, June 2021.
Me and Anitra, enjoying a lovely day in St. Pete.
Tap to view at full size.

As The Plague slowly recedes, we’ve been getting out more and more. Earlier this week, we were catching up with friends in St. Pete, where we took this photo when we arrived.

Florida of the Day

Florida of the day: Memorable merch

Thanks to Panagiota Panagopoulos Shaw for the find! Tap to view at full size.

The funeral home is real, and so is the lighter. This form of advertising is very memorable, and very Florida.


Happy 40th birthday, “McLovin’”!

Since I now work in the digital identity space, I feel duty-bound to celebrate this day, June 3, 2021, the 40th birthday of the patron saint of identity: McLovin’!

As you can see, he was “born” on June 3, 1981:

“McLovin’s” Hawaii driver’s license, which indicates that his birthdate is June 3, 1981.

I would be remiss if I didn’t include the scene from Superbad where he shows off his new fake ID. Be advised that it’s Superbad, which means very salty adult language…

I’m not the only one celebrating….

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

Last night in St. Pete

St. Pete’s Beach Drive, right by Paciuga gelateria. Tap to view at full size.

Last night, Anitra and I had dinner with friends in St. Pete at The Birchwood Inn’s rooftop bar, The Canopy. We were having such a good time that I completely forgot to snap some pics of the gorgeous view from the roof, which would include the all-new St. Pete Pier.

It was such a pretty evening out, and I remembered to capture at least one photo (the one above) before hopping in the car for the drive across the Bay and back to Tampa. The Beach Drive gelateria, Paciugo, was doing some pretty brisk business.

Florida The Current Situation

Hey Florida, it’s that time of the year again!

The Current Situation

June is BOTH National Accordion Awareness Month AND LGBTQ Pride Month!

Welcome to June, which is, among other things:

I don’t know if anybody’s ever tried to do something to simultaneously celebrate both, but I’m working on it. Watch this space.