
Everything’s Coming Up Milhouse!


Homer Simpson on Hipsters

I missed last night’s Simpsons episode featuring guest star Anthony Bourdain but saw some screen captures; this one made me chuckle. Here’s a clip:


Stop Usin’ Them Fancy Words in Mah Jumble!

This newspaper clip made the internet rounds about six months ago, but it’s new to me: I look forward every day to working the jumble, unscrambling jumbles to make “ordinary” words, which then provide an answer to the picture drawn. On Thanksgiving Day, R U S U Y was one of the jumbled words. My […]


Amusing Blogs of the Moment

Eye on Springfield features stills from seasons one through nine of The Simpsons, “when it was still funny”. Look at this Fucking Hipster features reader-submitted photos of…well, you know. Hey, skinny liberal arts major on the moped in the skinny yellow pants on Spadina just north of Queen on Friday around 6 p.m.: if Lee […]


The Current Brouhaha in Canadian Politics, Explained Briefly

In his blog Quoderat, David Megginson provides an excellent summary of the brouhaha that’s currently taking place in Canadian politics right now. If you’re not familiar with the Canadian parliamentary system of government, worry not: he summarizes it quite nicely and lists American governmental analogues to the various parts of Canadian government. If you’re really […]


The Scene at Lehman Brothers London on Friday [Updated]

My friend Miss Fipi Lele tells me that the photo below was taken Friday — it’s a shot of the London office of Lehman Brothers in Canary Wharf. Note the gathering in the window on the upper right and the body language of everyone except the guy on the left in the khaki pants: Photo […]


What IS the Bush Doctrine, Anyway?

Do I Know What the Bush Doctrine Is? Yesterday, I saw a number of articles on the ‘net saying that Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin seemed to have no idea what the Bush Doctrine was. I’ve been busy with work and other stuff, so I decided to bookmark them for later reading. This morning, […]