It Happened to Me Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Half-time was the best time to go plague shopping

Trader Joe’s Tampa last night at 8:24 p.m.. Tap to view at full size.

My hunch that Trader Joe’s Tampa would be a ghost town last night during Super Bowl LV’s half-time paid off. It was the perfect time to make a quick but important grocery run, as you can see from the photo I took while at the cashier (see above).

This run was important because there are better-than-even odds that we’ll experience a COVID-19 spike, thanks to Super Bowl superspreader gatherings like the one in the picture below, taken in Ybor City on Saturday night…

…and covered in the following articles:

My advice: Be particularly careful over the next couple of weeks, because a lot of people were careless over the past couple of days.


Almost 3 weeks in, and still no golf? Is Biden taking his job seriously?

The former president, on the other hand, spent an unprecedented amount of time on this links, as shown on

Not only has Biden failed to schedule any tee time, but his schedule is notable for a serious lack of “executive time”, which took up to 60% of the former president’s day:

The Current Situation

How family members of Reddit Gamestop investors are feeling right now

(Yes, I know that dealer can’t hit you when you get 21.)

Recommended reading

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Tap to view at full size.

It was a great morning for a bike ride in Tampa, what with temperatures of 24°C/75°F and plenty of sunshine. Here’s what I saw as I biked past the our yard and got today’s workout.

It Happened to Me

It’s Burns Night!

Image by david tollmie from Pixabay. Tap to view the source.

Tonight — the evening of January 25th — is Burns Night, a celebration of the life and works of Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet. While I have no traceable Scots heritage in my family (it’s Irish, thankyeverramuch), Anitra does, and I’m never going to turn down a celebration where scotch whisky is involved.

You probably know at least one of Burns’ works, whether you realize it or not. He’s behind such classics as:

  • Auld Lang Syne, which was originally meant to be sung at Hogmanay, the last day of the year, and eventually became the unofficial song of New Year’s.
  • (My Love is Like) A Red Red Rose, one of the standards of romantic poetry.
  • Tam O’Shanter, the poem from which the cap gets it name.
  • To a Mouse, an actual poem written after Burns was ploughing his field and unintentionally destroyed a mouse nest, which the mice would have needed to survive the winter. This poem contains the line “The best-laid schemes of mice and men /
    Go oft awry,” which became the figure of speech we know today.
  • Address to a Haggis, because if a food ever deserved a poem, it’s that most ugly-delicious of Scots dishes:

Even though we’re still in the middle of a plague and can’t host a Burns Supper tonight, we’ll still celebrate: I’ve got a lamb loin roasting in the turbo broiler…

Tap to view the meaty goodness at full size.

…and I have some scotch handy. As for poetry — well, I have to write some code tonight, and when done well, code is poetry: Rich, expressive, and saying so much with an economy of language.

Have a great Burns Night, everyone!

funny Geek

Virtual meetings are basically modern séances

The only real difference is that you don’t have full-grown adults speaking in a dead 8-year-old’s voice in virtual meetings. Well, at least not in any virtual meeting I’ve attended lately.

The Current Situation

Pictures aplenty for Sunday, January 24, 2021