America funny The Current Situation

Meanwhile, on Putin’s phone…

Thanks to Linda Ristevski for the find!

Don’t miss out on these photo galleries:

America The Current Situation

Pictures aplenty — 45 of them — for Sunday, November 8, 2020

Here’s a collection of 45 (there’s a reason!) images for you to enjoy. Don’t forget that I also posted the following image sets recently:

America The Current Situation

I would pay good money to watch this on Netflix

Need context? Check out Vanity Fair’s article, It Sure Sounds Like Trump May Barricade Himself In The Oval Office And Refuse To Come Out If Biden Wins.

America Geek The Current Situation

Image of the day: Donald the Hutt’s reign comes to an end

Tap to view at full size.
America The Current Situation

Should you worry about the Biden tax plan? (99% probably not)

Now that even Fox News has declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winner of the election, it’s time to allay your fears about the Biden Tax plan, which charges more tax on the first dollar you make over $400,000.

(Keep in mind that the median household income in the US was $68,703 in 2019, and that median means “if you lined everyone in the US up by income, from the poorest at the front to the richest at the end, it’s the income of the person in the very middle of the line.”)

In that spirit, here’s my mega-collection of tweets that tell you if you have to worry about Biden’s tax plan. Enjoy!

America The Current Situation

Pictures aplenty for Friday, November 6, 2020

With the current situation, the memes are coming so fast and furious that I’ve simply decided not to wait until Sunday to make a Pictures Aplenty post. Enjoy!

funny Geek

This one’s for the fans of both Star Trek and N.W.A.

Meme: Dathon (Tamarian captain from the Star Trek TNG episode “Darmok”) with the caption “Felicia, when she left the village.”

C’mon, there’s got to be some people who love both. It can’t just be me and Snoop Dogg.

(Seriously — Snoop has a Star Trek wall mural!)

Photo: Snoop Dogg posing in front of his wall mural featuring Star Trek ships in space