It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

Yesterday’s bike ride

We’ve undergoing a period of cooler temperatures here in Tampa — and by cooler, I mean 20°C / 70°F in the late afternoon — which made yesterday’s 10K bike ride (something I do five or six days a week, schedule and weather permitting) a very pleasant one. I took some photos while cycling through Riverbend and Seminole Heights.

Here are the Riverbend photos, which I took while following the Hillsborough River south towards Hillsborough Avenue:

It was then time to cross the river over the bridge, which offers this view when looking north…

…then veer north to Hanna, and then east to Lake Roberta, where 4 circuits of the lake makes one mile. I’d already done more than 10 kilometers after those circuits, so I decided to hang out with the ducks for a few minutes.

Gentle Reader, let me introduce you to Lake Roberta’s biggest a-hole, who makes Canada geese look relaxed in comparison:

He has a gang of followers:

This duck is happy just to have a chance to relax:

I grabbed some last-minute groceries and started heading home. Seminole Heights is one of those tree-lined neighborhoods with a lot of houses built from the 1920s through the 1950s, where college-educated families and craft breweries can be easily found. There’s a clearly-established voting preference here…

The owners of the nearby Corner Club — the neighborhood’s dive bar, karaoke joint, and after-work hangout for folks to work at the nearby TECO branch — recently sold the place, but at least it will remain a bar and not get turned into condos:

Now back to the signs…

America The Current Situation

Only the Boomer with a Computer can save us now!

Photo: Cover of “Boomer with a Computer”. Cover text reads “The DEEP STATE. A global cabal of CANNIBALISTIC ELITES. They THOUGHT they could GET AWAY with it. But they NEVER PREPARED for the BOOMER WITH A COMPUTER! / Author of ‘Swollen Ankles, Swollen Vengenace’ QUEEF MALONE.”
Tap to see this sure-to-be-a-bestseller cover at full size!

Yes, I know it’s a joke cover for a non-existent book, but it’s also National Novel Writing Month! Someone needs to use this as the basis for their novel.

America funny The Current Situation

2020 meets “Lord of the Rings”

I don’t want to know what “Elevenses” would mean in this context.


Typo of the day

Graphic on TV: “Turn your cocks back one hour tonight”
Tap to view at full size.

Someone at Michigan TV station WNEM needs someone else to double-check their work. They aired this yesterday.

America funny The Current Situation

Pictures aplenty for Sunday, November 1, 2020

America The Current Situation

A reminder from Amy Coney Barrett to set your clocks back

Comic: Amy Coney Barrett in 1800s clothing and carrying water from the welll reminding you to turn your clocks back
Tap to view at full size.

Here’s a reminder from Amy Coney Barrett to set your clocks back. It’s on her agenda, and she’ll likely be setting them back by more than an hour…

America The Current Situation

Welcome to the richest country in the third world

Welcome to the richest country in the third world, where armed thugs in trucks take part in campaign interference and voter intimidation as the police willfully ignore the illegality.

From KEYE, a CBS news affiliate in Austin:

The Biden bus has also been closely followed by Trump supporters while on the road, though Texas Democrats insist their presence didn’t affect their decision to call off the downtown Austin rally.

In Pflugerville, Texas House Representative Sheryl Cole tweeted the Biden bus was supposed to make a stop there with the Austin Young Democrats but she wrote they, too, had to cancel–but due to security reasons.

“Pro-Trump Protesters have escalated well beyond safe limits,” she posted.

She quoted a tweet from Texas House Rep Rafael Anchía, who claimed “Armed Trump trolls harassing Biden Bus on I-35, ramming volunteer vehicles & blocking traffic for 40 mins.”

From Raw Story:

Multiple videos and images captured the bus being dangerously harassed by trucks. Dr. Eric Cervini, an author who says he flew to Texas to join the tour, said that he called the police as he witnessed the drivers’ behavior. According to him, the Trump supporters actively attempted to drive the bus off the road, and one officer on the scene wearing Thin Blue Line apparel refused to intervene, saying, “Not my jurisdiction.”