America The Current Situation

January 20, 2021

America The Current Situation

Smackdown of the day

It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Thanks to Mary Trump for the find! Tap to view at full size.

Be the kind of uncle that doesn’t get this kind of photo about them posted BY THEIR OWN NIECE.

Need some context? It’s a reference to a viral video that got posted on Christmas Eve:

America The Current Situation

Happy “White people twist MLK’s words in order to get people of color to stay in their lane” Day!

Tap the screenshot to see the original tweet.
funny Geek

How Star Wars’ “Imperial Walkers” actually work

America The Current Situation

Pictures aplenty for Saturday, January 16, 2021

America The Current Situation

Pictures aplenty for Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fair enough;

he did help cause the problem in the first place.

They’re not being stationed in the middle of nowhere, far from home, but in the nation’s capital. You’d think that there’d be better arrangements for placed for them to rest.

America The Current Situation

So THIS just happened…

Still photo from the film “Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2”, where Ricky says “Garbage Day!”, but subtitled “IMPEACHMENT DAY!”

…and with the second impeachment of Donald Trump, we start what I hope is the long rehabilitation process for American democracy.

Some links: