I didn’t come up with the idea for this graphic, which seems to have originated on this page at The Nest. I just spruced it up, re-did the text using the Game of Thrones (or, as Anitra and I like to call it, Boobs and Beheadings) typeface, Trajan Pro, and here you have it. Share and enjoy!
Tag: America
Pete Hoekstra’s Racist Superbowl Ad
I hadn’t paid a visit to Phil Yu’s blog, Angry Asian Man – which the Washington Post called “a daily must-read for the media-savvy, socially conscious, pop-cultured Asian American” – in some time. In a recent post titled This Hoekstra Campaign Ad is Racist Bullshit, he points to this video:
Michigan viewers were “treated” to this ad run by Pete Hoekstra’s campaign to unseat Debbie Stabenow as United States Senator for the state during the Super Bowl.
The ad’s straight out of the old Charlie Chan serials, from the pentatonic “ching-chong” music (which has every stereotypical element except for the “Oriental Riff” and closing gong) to the rice paddy to the young woman speaking fake broken English. I’m surprised she doesn’t say “Me so horny for Amellika to fail! …and oh yeah, me put pee-pee in your Coke, too!”
The rice paddy is one image of China, but it’s no more representative of the country than say, a Nebraska cornfield is of the United States. Equally representative is this picture, which is of a city you might not have heard of, despite its being one of the five major cities – Chongqing:
If you go to the website that accompanies the ad, you’ll see the stereotypes continue with its graphic design, which apes the best fakety-fake Chinese restaurant aesthetic. Reading it, it’s 1985 and I’m eating at Ruby Foo’s in Montreal again:
Here’s FOX News’ “analysis” of the ad and the response to it. The “expert opinion” they bring is none other than Lou Dobbs, whose mantra is “a racist is a conservative who’s winning the argument”, and he rolls his eyes so hard that he’s almost risking injury by doing so:
Here’s what other, more legitimate, news outlets have to say:
- The Atlantic: Superbowl Special! My Nominee for Most Revolting Ad
- The Atlantic: More on the “We Take Your Jobs” Hoekstra Commercial
- Politico: Pete Hoekstra Ad Riles Republicans Too
- The New Yorker: How Did Hoekstra Get So Much Wrong?
- International Herald Tribune: Asia Bad. Take Many Jobs. Not Fair.
- Christian Science Monitor: Hoekstra Super Bowl Ad a Slippery Slope Toward Asian-Bashing?
- MSNBC: Hoekstra Defends Racially Charged Ad
- Washington Post: Pete Hoekstra’s China Ad Provokes Accusations of Racism
One of the questions that should be asked is “Can you make a political ad where there theme is competing with China without resorting to stereotypes and racism?” The answer is “Yes…and it’s been done!” It’s called the “Chinese Professor Ad”, and I show it below:
I’m impressed with this one: well done, it gets the message across and it doesn’t do any of the “ching chong wing wong” stuff that Hoekstra’s ad does. The ad would’ve been made the same way if the competitors were blonde and blue-eyed.
The only thing wrong is its premise that the U.S. is falling behind China because of stimulus spending; China’s is a big central planning-style government that pretty much stimulus spends all the time (when it’s not covering up its shoddy human rights record).
For a better picture on why a lot of money’s going to China, see the New York Times article How the U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work. Hey, America – you want to win, bro? Don’t hate; innovate!
The Republicans, On Jobs
Creative Commons photo courtesy of Sri Dhanush.
I’m helping out with BarCamp Minneapolis, a.k.a. MinneBar, which takes place on May 7th. The event takes place at Best Buy’s headquarters out in Richfield, and we out-of-towner helper-outers are staying downtown. If you know any good and reasonably-priced hotels in an interesting but not sketchy part of downtown, please let me know in the comments or drop me an email!
Happy 4th of July!
I’d like to wish my American readers a happy 4th of July!
Have a safe and fun holiday, and if you manage to find fireworks like the “This is America” ones pictured above (it’s probably the most powerful thing you can buy at a store without some kind of license – the tube is a mortar, and those things around it are the “shells”), take whatever measures you need to keep all your fingers on your hands!
(In case you’re not aware of the new Arizona law, it’s explained here.)
Painting of the Day
I love this painting, which is equal parts Red Dawn and Mormon fantasy. Click on it to see the full-sized version.