
Also Seen at the Bookstore Last Night

In addition to Screw Calm and Get Angry, I also saw this at the Book City in Bloor West Village:…

14 years ago

Seen at “Book City” in Bloor West Village

Yet another variation on the “Keep Calm and Carry On” meme:

14 years ago

Catching Cory Doctorow’s “For the Win” Book Launch Tonight

Once again, my friend and former co-worker (I worked at his startup, OpenCola, during “The Bubble”) Cory Doctorow is holding…

15 years ago

The World’s Most Terrifying Children’s Book

The blog Awful Library Books recently featured what I consider to be the world’s most terrifying children’s book: Don’t Make…

15 years ago

Confessions of a Public Speaker

Sooner or later, unless you’re going to hide in a monastery or settle for entry-level jobs for the rest of…

15 years ago

On the Reading List

I’m a sucker for “big idea essay” books, so while wandering around Seattle’s Pioneer Square neighbourhood, I stopped by Elliott…

16 years ago