
Sorry, No Toronto Coffee and Code This Friday

This article originally appeared in the Coffee and Code blog.

Woman at desk overwhelmed by a pile of paper

I am swamped (and in one case, double-booked) with meetings either online or out at Microsoft’s Mississauga offices all day Friday, March 27th, so I’m sorry to report that I won’t be able to hold a Toronto Coffee and Code this week.

Watch this space; Coffee and Code will return next week!


Toronto Coffee and Code This Friday!

Davisville Station at night.

This article originally appeared in the Coffee and Code blog.

Yes, there’s going to be a Coffee and Code in Toronto this Friday, March 13th, and this time, it’s going to be midtown. I’ll be holding it at the Starbucks at Yonge at Davisville (1909 Yonge Street, right by Davisville subway station) from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m..

Map picture

This particular Starbucks branch is pretty big, with a large second floor. A number of local groups, such as the Toronto Spanish Group, the “Mompreneurs” and other business networking groups have used it as a meetup location. The WiFi isn’t free, but if you have a Starbucks card with at least a $5 balance, you get two hours’ worth of wifi access at any wifi-equipped Starbucks every day. I myself have 3 such cards.

If you’re a telecommuter, come and hang out for the day! If you work in a nearby office, drop by during your coffee break! I’ll be handing out installer DVDs for the beta version of Windows 7 and ready to talk about Microsoft, programming, technology, the industry in general, accordion, music, whatever! Who knows – we might even start a video chat session with the Calgary Coffee and Code, which will be taking place at the same time out west.


Toronto Coffee and Code #3: This Friday at The Roastery @ 401 Richmond


This article originally appeared in the Coffee and Code blog.

The next Toronto Coffee and Code will take place this Friday, March 6th, at The Roastery at the 401 Richmond building (401 Richmond Street West, just east of Spadina) from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.. This cafe is nice and spacious, has free wifi thanks to the efforts of the cool people at Wireless Toronto, has good food and is located in one of the best workspaces in the city, If you have an artistic bent, I recommend that you pass by Swipe Books (located in the same building), an amazing bookstore that specializes in advertising and design.

Coffee and Code is a regular event where I “set up office” at a local cafe in order to make myself as accessible as possible to developers and other techies, so they can talk to me about Microsoft, its tools and tech, the industry or whatever else is on their mind. It’s also many other things:

  • A networking opportunity for people looking to find other people in the local tech industry
  • A chance for indie and self-employed software developers to get out of their home offices
  • A interesting coffee break for people who work in the area
  • A chance for you to get your hands on a copy of the Windows 7 beta (I’ll burn a DVD for you)
  • A way for techies to put a little money back into the local economy (by buying lots of coffee and supporting local businesses)
  • A nice social event in a relaxed atmosphere…all on a “school day”

If you’re in the neighbourhood, please drop by! If you’re not in the neighbourhood, don’t worry – I plan to hold future Coffee and Code events in different locations all over Toronto and surrounding areas very soon.

(And if you’re really far away, say Irvine, California, there’s a Coffee and Code in your neck of the woods this Friday.)


Coffee, Code and…California?!

This article originally appeared in Global Nerdy.

"California Republic" flagCoffee and Code, for those of you who haven’t been following this blog, is a regular event where I “set up office” at a wifi-equipped cafe to make myself more accessible to you. We’ve had two so far here in Toronto, and they’ve gone quite well: we’ve have some good discussions, local developers have made new connections with each other, I’ve answered questions about Microsoft and its tools and tech, and I’ve also hooked people up with copies of the Window 7 beta.

This Friday, there will be two Coffee and Code events. One will be in Toronto (details will be in the following post), and the other one will be three time zones away…in Irvine, California.

denny_cherryDenny Cherry is a Microsoft MVP and Senior Database Administrator and Architect at Awareness Technologies. He’s forgotten more about SQL Server than I will ever learn, his blog is SQL Server with Mr. Denny at IT Knowledge Exchange and he tweets at He heard of Coffee and Code and decided that he wanted to hold one in his neck of the woods, southern California. I gave Denny access to the Coffee and Code blog, where he announced his Coffee and Code event, which takes place this Friday, March 6th at the Starbucks at at the Tustin Marketplace (2959 El Camino Real), just off the I5 and Jamboree.

For more information about Denny’s gathering, check out his entry on the Coffee and Code blog.


Today: Coffee and Code, and Other Geeky get-Togethers

This article originally appeared in Coffee and Code.

The cast of "Hackers"

Coffee and Code is happening today, Tuesday, February 24th, from about 1:30 p.m to 5:30 p.m. at Le Gourmand, (152 Spadina, on the west side, south of Queen and north of Richmond).

It’s not the only geeky get-together in Toronto today:

  • The Developer Lunch (the 10th so far!) takes place today at Noon at Sky Dragon restaurant, on the top floor of Dragon City mall, at the southwest corner of Spadina and Dundas.
  • Later this evening, I’ll be at HacklabTO’s open lab, which takes place every Tuesday night. I’m bringing the Xbox 360 with me, although the Rock Band kit will have to wait for some other night.
  • Also tonight is FacebookCamp 5, a.k.a. Facebook Developer Garage. It’s at MaRS and starts at starts at 6:30. Admission is free.
  • UX Book Club Toronto is meeting tonight at C’est What at 6:30 p.m.. Tonight’s book: user experience guru Bill Buxton’s Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design.
Geek It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The First “Coffee and Code” Day

Montage of photos from "Coffee and Code"

My first Coffee and Code day – a day when I work at a wifi-equipped cafe rather than my home office or the Microsoft offices in order to be very accessible – was a success. For more, check out my article on the Coffee and Code blog.

Geek It Happened to Me

“Coffee and Code” Today in Toronto

Coffee and CodeCoffee and Code is an idea I’ve been meaning to try out for some time. Every so often – perhaps once a week – I plan to work somewhere other than my home office or Microsoft’s offices but instead spend the day working in one of Toronto’s wifi-equipped cafe.

The idea is to make myself available to you, to answer your questions and talk about Microsoft, programming, the tech job market, games, accordions or whatever topic strikes your fancy. I’ll be pretty easy to spot: just look for the guy with both a laptop and an accordion.

For this inaugural Coffee and Code session, I’ll be at Urbana Coffee (1033 Bay Street, a couple of blocks north of Wellesley, at St. Joseph) from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. I’ve picked the place for a number of reasons: a central location near parking and transit, friendly staff, free wifi, power outlets aplenty, recommendations from friends and a glowing review from Torontoist. If you’re in the neighbourhood, please drop by!

Since I live and work in Toronto, I’ll be holding most of my Coffee and Code days there. However, my job does involve a fair bit of travel, and it’s quite likely that I’ll hold Coffee and Code days in other cities. Some of my coworkers are also thinking about holding their own Coffee and Code days in their own cities as well.

If you’d like to know more about upcoming Coffee and Code days, keep reading this blog, or check out Coffee and Code’s site at