
iPhone 4S Pranks with Siri

Comic by Jason Pultz. Click to see it at full size. This article also appears in Global Nerdy.

13 years ago

My Answer is “Yes”, But You Knew That

I’m with the bird: Comic by Tom Gauld for The Guardian. Click it to see it on its original page.

15 years ago

The 24 Types of Authoritarian (or: The Libertarian Response to “The 24 Types of Libertarian”)

You didn’t think they’d take The 24 Types of Libertarian lying down, did you? Davi Barker pointed me to his…

15 years ago

Can You Identify the Cartoon from the Hair?

Take a look at the hairstyles from the Cartoon Wigs Museum poster pictured above. Can you identify the corresponding character…

15 years ago