funny Life Music Play

Japanese Cross-Dressing Bassist of the Day

The anime-girl outfits that the YouTube user “hjfreaks” wears may be a little off-putting, but if the bass tracks on these video are really of him playing, he’s pretty good:

Sometimes a guy wants to take a break from blistering bass runs and just dance:


Caption This Photo, I Dare You

My friend Miss Fipi Lele finds all sorts of great and weird stuff, the photo below included:

A cross-dresser strapped to stretcher is loaded onto an ambulance as a man dressed an as Oompa Loompa and two people in rabbit suits (one comforting the other) look on
What photo can’t be improved by some old-school Oompa-Loompas?

See if you can come up with a caption for this photo and post it in the comments.

My caption would be: “Ain’t nothin’ like the Queen’s Homecoming street party!”