
Random Valentine’s-Themed Graphic #2: Something Even Worse Than Being “Friendzoned”

Sulking guy in a Soviet army hat, with the caption COMRADEZONED

“In Soviet Russia, zone friends you!”

There is something worse than “I want to just be friends.” It’s “I want to go back to being waitress and customer,” and you’ll find it in this story.


Random Valentine’s-Themed Graphic #1: I’ll Tell You Where the Nice Guys Are, Ladies…

Barney Stinson from "How I Met Your Mother" toasting: "Ladies, guys are sick of hearing you ask where all the 'nice guys' are. They're right where you left 'em: in the friend zone."

A random find courtesy of Carl Catron, a sax player who let me jam with his band on Sade’s Smooth Operator with his band Authentic Counterfeit at Kingston Station in Boston last April. How’s that for a totally random find?