
When Muhammad Ali Met The Beatles

beatles and ali

It made for a nice picture, but a less-than-nice story.

Here’s an excerpt from Muhammad Ali: Through the Eyes of the World describing the meeting:

Cassius Clay and The Beatles climbed into the ring and, as if they just hadn’t met each other, they went through what seemed like a total choreographed routine. There are wonderful photographs of this, in which he pretends to hit the first Beatle and they all fall down like dominoes and scamper about the ring. Then they go off to their history and he goes off to his. Then, a few minutes later, he called me over and said, “So who were those little [anti-gay slur beginning with “f”]?”

The Current Situation

Greg Gutfeld’s Mind-Blowingly Ignorant Remarks About Canada and its Military on FOX News

Once you’ve read this piece and seen the video, see the follow-up story, Greg Gutfeld’s Gutless Apology.

This is even beyond Greg Gutfeld’s run-of-the-mill ignorant, this is the man – and I use the term very loosely – taking it to all-new lows in a piece on the Canadian military and its Afghanistan mission: