
At Home with Emo Dad

Emo Dad taking a mirror self-portrait with his iPhone

Have you seen the “Emo Dad” photos? It’s a set of apparent self-portraits of a guy who’s twenty years too old to be sporting the angsty “emo” teenage haircut, pout, piercings and mop top. They’ve been making the rounds on the Internet, and as would be expected, some wag has captioned them:

Emo Dad: "My son cut the grass; I cut myself"

Emo Dad: "My washing machine is broken. I used my tears instead"

Emo Dad: "I told my son to clean his room. But who will clean my soul?"

Emo Dad: "My daughter went to the mall. I've never been so alone."

Emo Dad: "Turn up the angst, turn down the friends."