
What I Wore to the Company Picnic

One week ago today, Shopify had its company picnic. We were divided into volleyball teams, each of which had to…

13 years ago

Tina Fey’s Fashion Statement

On the right person, even the lamest T-shirt looks pretty good:

15 years ago

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Roll Up Your Sleeves

Found via Space Ghetto, via Certified Bullshit Technician.

15 years ago

All Che Guevara T-Shirts Should Have This Caption

Seen at “Diaper-eze”, a baby clothing store in Bloor West Village, in the west end of Accordion City.

15 years ago

The “Business Shorts” Look

With the notable exception of prep school uniforms for the under-10 set and AC/DC's Angus Young (whose trademark onstage look…

16 years ago