
Professor Elemental’s New Video: “I’m British!”

I’d like to dedicate this newly-released video — I’m British, by super-genteel hip-hopper Professor Elemental — to my stiff-upper-lipped friends such as Ewan Sinclair, David Underwood, Alice Taylor, Vinney, as well as honourary Brit Hilary Robinson.

It’s perfect for today here in Accordion City: looking out my window at the grey sky, my first thought was “It’s perfectly Grange Hill out there.”


The Splendiferous Barfing Cup

Yes, this video’s already made the rounds on the Internet once or twice, but it’s “Weird Video Day” here on Accordion Guy. Besides, for some reason, this video always makes me laugh even though I’ve seen it dozens of times. It’s like the “Bottle Rocket Up the Butt” video from my article Assrockets and Opportunities: after all this time, it’s still high-larious.


If Art Galleries Ran Like the Internet

Painting that reads "This painting is not available in your country"Found via Certified Bullshit Technician.

The painting is titled This Painting is Not Available in Your Country and was created by Paul Mutant (2010, acrylic on canvas, 12” by 10”). You can see more in Paul Mutant’s Flickr photostream.

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.


Not Hip to the Lingo

Grace Baptist Church sign: "Real friends don't rub it in; they rub it out"Photo courtesy of Certified Bullshit Technician.

Someone needs to tell them they pulled a boner with their sign.


“The iPhone of Night Clubs”

the iphone of night clubsFound via The High Definite.

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.


Now That’s Just Lazy

Doorstop, still in its packaging, being used to prop a door ajarFound via Reddit. Click the photo to see it at original size.


They Know Us Well

These stickers are posted above the urinals and toilets in the men’s rooms at Vancouver Convention Centre:

dont drink from the urinal

Also: That thing in the urinal that looks like a big mint? It’s not a big mint.

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.