
The Album of the Summer

Found via The Whoa.

15 years ago

Meanwhile, in Korea…

…a group of Korean students are learning the more (ahem) colourful parts of the English language [not safe for work;…

15 years ago

Adobe Photoshop, Literally

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.

15 years ago

Basic Catching Positions

My question is: “Catching positions for what?” Volleyball? Things thrown from an upstairs window? Stage-diving characters from a production of…

15 years ago

I’m Calling It That From Now On

The question was raised on FOX affiliate WNYW’s news program: If you can’t call stuff like soy milk, rice milk,…

15 years ago

Which Action Movie Should You See?

Given the bounty of action films coming out this summer, you might not know which one to watch. Let this…

15 years ago

Live Long and Shocker

I don’t think Leonard Nimoy has any idea what that hand gesture [beware, raunchy content] means. The dude on the…

15 years ago