
My Answer is “Yes”, But You Knew That

I’m with the bird: Comic by Tom Gauld for The Guardian. Click it to see it on its original page.

14 years ago

Happiness is Like Peeing in Your Pants

Image from Saying Images. Everyone can smell it, too.

14 years ago

The Recipe for “Happy”

Those of you who’ve been reading this blog for a while know that hedonics – the study of what makes…

14 years ago

The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun

The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun is a cute little video created by Michael Bungay Stanier’s Accordion City-based work-coaching company,…

15 years ago

Something to Kick Off the New Year and Decade

Here’s a graphic I found the other day while doing a little computer “housekeeping”. I thought it would be perfect…

15 years ago

Living in the “Hooray!” Zone

Yes, the demands and schedule of my job as Sith Lord at Microsoft have kept me quite busy, but it…

15 years ago