
Found on The Onion

This one goes out to The Redhead: (A little aside: Yes, I have a lucky accordion, and I also have…

21 years ago

On "The Farm" — Survey Results

I think that this will be interesting to all of about a dozen people who read this blog, but here…

21 years ago

Weekend report

How was my weekend? It was surprisingly well-publicized: it ended up as a quick item on Scripting News, probably cementing…

21 years ago

Longing and Shorting

Please bear with me as I mention the For the Love of Breasts gala one more time. It's just that…

21 years ago

At last, the Best Accordion Picture Ever!

Sorry about the delay on that picture. I was a little busy and didn't get around to it. I got…

21 years ago

The Best Accordion Picture Ever…and the one that will replace it

This is Louise. I met her at Burning Man in 1999. We got along famously, and while we were getting…

21 years ago