Found on The Onion

This one goes out to The Redhead:

Graphic: 'The Onion' STATshot: 'Whar are we doing before our first date?'

(A little aside: Yes, I have a lucky accordion, and I also have lucky socks. I like to stack the odds in my favour.)

On "The Farm" — Survey Results

I think that this will be interesting to all of about a dozen people who read this blog, but here goes:

I’ve posted the results of the OpenSRS Client Survey on The Farm.

If you’re a developer or technically-inclined reseller who makes use of OpenSRS, you’ll probably find it interesting.

If you develop web apps and are interested in what other developers who build web apps think, you might find it interesting.

If you don’t fall under either category above, perhaps you might find this interesting: an article titled Men “stop thinking rationally” in the presence of “beautiful” women. If you’re over fifteen and observant, you’ve probably figured this out already, but it’s always nice when some researcher has some empirical evidence to back up what you’ve always suspected.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

A nice little photo from Kickass Karaoke

Photo: Wendy Koslow holds the mic and Joey deVilla sings and plays accordion onstage at Kickass Karaoke at The Rivoli, Toronto, Canada.

It Happened to Me

Weekend report

How was my weekend?

It was surprisingly well-publicized: it ended up as a quick item on Scripting News, probably cementing my reputation as “the guy with the blog who goes on dates, but they’re never normal ones”.

I had an even better time than the dog pictured below:

Photo: Dog with its head in a can of Pringles potato chips and a $20 bill under it right paw.

It Happened to Me

Longing and Shorting

Please bear with me as I mention the For the Love of Breasts gala one more time. It’s just that it was the setting in which I discovered some colloquialisms that I hadn’t heard before.

At one point in the evening, I was having some Campari-and-sodas with a group of charming young women, all of whom were wearing The Little Black Dress. The one who was sitting beside me cupped her hand, turned to me and whispered “See that guy? My friend Lisa* longs him.”

(* Not her real name.)

I interpreted “longs” as “longs for”. However, later on in the conversation, some guy took a seat beside Lisa and started hitting on her with the grace of a rhino on NyQuil.

“Ugh,” said She Who Sat Beside Me. “She really shorts him. I think we’re all shorting him.”

That’s when it clicked. The girls all worked in the financial industry together; in fact, it seemed that most of the attendees at the gala were in finance or had at least written their CFA exam. They were using financial terminology: longing, as in “buying long” (the way most laypeople think of the stock market — you buy stock because you believe it will increase in value) and shorting as in “selling short” (which is covered rather nicely in this explanation).

It sounded odd to me, but then I thought about it: we computer programmers and techies probably sound just as alien when we say that something owns, is 1337, r0x0rs or sux0rz. It’s just that any field’s jargon used in a dating or mating context always sounds a little creepy. Maybe not furry creepy (“Ooh! Yiffy!”), but creepy nonetheless.

But hey, these girls were cute, and what’s a little creeping-out between friends?

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

At last, the Best Accordion Picture Ever!

Sorry about the delay on that picture. I was a little busy and didn’t get around to it.

I got a few emails that seemed to imply that if the former Best Accordion Picture Ever was of a comely young lass wearing nothing but an accordion, the new Best Accordion Picture Ever should be at least MAXIM-grade “stroke material”. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the lovely young lady in the new photo is wearing considerably more clothing than the old one.

And somehow, it’s sexier. It’s also my little contribution to the rehabilitation of the accordion’s image.

Rather than argue the merits of what’s sexy and what’s not, why don’t I just cut with the chatter and present the photo? Here it is, and if you click on it, you can get taken to a fuller-size version in the For the Love of Breasts photo album.

Photo: The Best Accordion Picture Ever! Joey deVilla dances with a comely young lass, who's obviously taken with the accordion.

I have achieved my life’s goal: I now live in a beer commercial.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

The Best Accordion Picture Ever…and the one that will replace it

This is Louise. I met her at Burning Man in 1999. We got along famously, and while we were getting acquainted, she graciously posed for what used to be the Best Accordion Picture Ever:

Photo: The former Best Accordion Picture Ever.

One of the people behind last Saturday’s For the Love of Breasts gala sent me a photo that shall be the new Best Accordion Picture Ever, and I’ll post it on Monday.