
Help LinuxCaffe Sort Through Their Tech Stuff!

This article originally appeared in Global Nerdy.

Jawas carrying R2-D2 in "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope"

Tim Hildred of LinuxCaffe writes:

We have in our storage space a veritable heap of donated pre-loved electronics, some of which we hope to recycle and repurpose, some of which is probably junk. What we need as a small team of people who, in exchange for coffee and snacks, will help us sort it out.  There will probably be some spoils as well, as those who help should be able to help themselves to some things. So, bring your friends, help us make our heap into something workable, help the community to thrive, and help your blood-caffiene levels to remain stable. We’ll love you for ever.

The sorting will take place in two shifts:

  • Tomorrow, Saturday March 21st, from 12:00 noon-ish until 4:00 p.m.-ish
  • Wednesday, March 25th, from 5 p.m.-ish until 9:00 p.m.-ish.

If you’ve got a technical bent, some free time and community spirit, come on down to LinuxCaffe and give them a hand sorting through their donated electronics!


Toronto Coffee and Code: Friday March 20th at Linuxcaffe

This article originally appeared in the Coffee and Code blog.

Tigh and Adam from "Battlestar Galactica" drinking a toast: "Here's to Another Frakkin' Coffee and Code!"

I hereby declare a Toronto Coffee and Code for this Friday, March 20th from 11:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. at LinuxCaffe (326 Harbord Street, at the corner of Harbord and Grace, near Bickford Park; nearest subway station is Christie).

Map picture

For those of you not familiar with LinuxCaffe, it’s an independently-owned cafe that also acts as a gathering place for Toronto’s Free Software/Open Source Software communities. It might not be a place you’d expect for an event hosted by a Microsoft Evangelist, which is one of the reasons I picked it. Another reason is that it’s a great cafe with good coffee and food, and I’m more than happy to support a local cafe with techie appeal.

LinuxCaffe deserves a longer post, which I’ll write later – I just want to get the word out about this week’s Coffee and Code. Hope to see you there!