
Disney, Star Wars and Guns ‘n’ Roses, Together at Last!

Back in 1987, Disney and Star Wars first came together with Disneyland’s Star Tours ride, the first such attraction based on a non-Disney film. That same year, Guns ‘n’ Roses released Appetite for Destruction, an album with a slew of rock hits, including Welcome to the Jungle, the second single off that album (a song that got a big boost from the “Dirty Harry” film The Dead Pool).

We would have to wait until 2011 for Disney, Star Wars and G’n’R to join together and form a triumvirate of awesomeness. In case your brain refuses to accept what’s happening in the video above, it’s Welcome to the Jungle featuring the Mos Eisley Cantina Band as backup dancers, Chewbacca as Axl Rose and the Ewoks as guitarists and percussionists (they’re playing on the helmets — or is it decapitated heads? — of fallen stormtroopers and TIE fighter pilots).

I normally don’t go for the live entertainment at Disney parks, but this one I’d love to see.


Bright Lights, Big Macs

The map below shows AggData’s map of the continental United States visualizing distances to the nearest McDonald’s. The closer a place is to a McDonald’s, the more brightly it is illuminated. Click the map to see it at a larger size:

Map: The Contiguous United States Visualized by Distance to the Nearest McDonald's

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Slice of Life

Slice of Life: “Big Balls” at the Mesh Conference

At the Mesh Conference held earlier this year, I was asked at the last minute to play an opening number for the big panel discussion on using social media for marketing. I decided to get cheeky and played AC/DC’s Big Balls, since having them is a quality that you need to really use social media and social networking to advantage. As I played, Kaz Ehara shot these photos:

mesh_accordion_1 mesh_accordion_2 mesh_accordion_3 mesh_accordion_4
Photos by Kaz Ehara.
Click the photos to see them on their Flickr pages.

For those of you unfamiliar with the song, here it is, synced to clips from Spongebob Squarepants:

funny Music

“S” is for “Slayer”!

What happens when you take Sesame Street video and Slayer audio and mash them up? Pure metal goodness!


A Game of “Guess Who?” with Samuel L. Jackson

It would probably go something like this:

Samuel L. Jackson on the other side of a "Guess Who?" game: "Does he look like a bitch?"

Yes, you’ll need to have seen the Milton-Bradley boardgame “Guess Who?” and this scene from the Quentin Tarantino flick Pulp Fiction to be in on the joke: