
There’s a New Shirt in Town

Once upon a time, the “Three Wolf Moon” shirt was the must-have T-shirt: But the really cool (and well-read) kids…

15 years ago

Betty White, Jedi Master

This image actually had me rolling out of my chair laughing. Click it to see it at full size: This…

15 years ago

Kate Beaton’s Scenes from “The Great Gatsby”

Halifax-based Kate Beaton draws funny historical comics at her site, Hark, a Vagrant! In her latest comic, she pokes fun…

15 years ago

A Scene I Wish was in “Lost”

Alas, this isn’t my creation. I just made an easier-to-read version of this.

15 years ago

Wolfman, DDS

Purim is the Jewish holiday made for me. After all, it’s about Asian guys picking up cute Jewish girls, and…

15 years ago

Goodnight Keith Moon

As a reader of this blog, chances are that someone read Goodnight Moon to you when you were a child:…

15 years ago

Dalvin and Holly: Another Treatment of “Calvin and Hobbes”

First came the Calvin and Hobbes reinterpretation featuring Calvin on Ritalin, which made many readers sad. Then came the comic…

15 years ago