
The Queen’s Gambit, but featuring games that don’t scare people away

Photo: “Beth” from “The Queen’s Gambit” playing Connect Four instead of chess.
She’s going for the diagonal. Tap to view at full size.

Are the from the director’s cut?

Thanks to my coworker, Auth0’s David Moses, for the find!

Photo: “Beth” from “The Queen’s Gambit” playing Jenga instead of chess.
Tap to view at full size.
Photo: “Beth” from “The Queen’s Gambit” playing Monopoly instead of chess.
Tap to view at full size.
Photo: “Beth” from “The Queen’s Gambit” playing Guess Who instead of chess.
Tap to view at full size.
Photo: “Beth” from “The Queen’s Gambit” playing Operation instead of chess.
Tap to view at full size.


How is it that just one picture can contain so much awesome? I’m going to find a way to use it in one of my upcoming slide presentations. You have been warned.


Photo courtesy of KnitWit. Click the photo to see it at full size.


A Deleted Scene from “Tintin”

Captain Haddock doing his trademark surprised expression after receiving a card: "Upon drawing this card, user must fart a tornado and drop his pip on a surprised dog."


Photoshoppery of the Day

I was 10 years old when Space Invaders came out, so this photo brings back happy memories:

space_invadersClick the photo to see it on its original page.

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The Eyes Have It

point_and_shoot Photo courtesy of “rem”.


Michael Would’ve Looked Like Lando

This scan from the August 1985 issue of Ebony features their prediction of what Michael Jackson would’ve looked like in the year 2000 (which, back then, seemed like a time in the far-off future):


“At 40,” the caption reads, “he will have aged gracefully and will have a handsome, more mature look.” Tacky 80s-era clothing aside, it’s a good look for him. Very Lando Calrissian.

Keep in mind that this photo was altered in the time before Photoshop, when you had to do it with knives, brushes, paints and a very steady hand.

It’s easy to laugh at the prediction in hindsight, but this was the mid-80s, before the accident while shooting the Pepsi commercial and well before celebrity extreme meltdowns were more commonplace.


Snickers Ads are Getting Weird, Man

Here’s some amusing Photoshoppery featuring the current Snickers ad campaign. Click the photo to see it in its full-size glory:

Photoshopped parodies of the current Snickers ad campaignPhoto courtesy of Adam Conover.