If you thought that the “Burger King” character, with his glazed mask, wasn’t creepy enough…
…you haven’t seen the Burger Klingons. Qa’pla!
Click the photo above to see it at full size.
If you thought that the “Burger King” character, with his glazed mask, wasn’t creepy enough…
…you haven’t seen the Burger Klingons. Qa’pla!
Click the photo above to see it at full size.
Dork Shelf, a blog devoted to Toronto and nerd culture points to Nextround.net’s collection of photos of guys in so-bad-they’re-good Wolverine costumes. My favourite one is Jewish Wolverine, complete with adamantium menorah claws.
If you’re looking for costumed adventurers who really are “from the Tribe” (such as Kitty Pryde, mentioned recently in this blog entry), look no farther than Comic Book Religion’s catalogue of Jewish superheroes. The oddest one is “The Acidic Jew”, whose touch can dissolve anything.
This article originally appeared in Global Nerdy.
There’s a small TV set in my home office that I sometime turn on – usually to one of the cable news channels — as “background noise”, which I sometimes find helpful when I’m trying to get work done.
Today, I’m on the road in London, Ontario with Microsoft’s EnergizeIT tour. I’m hanging out in the hotel room with my coworker Rodney with the TV on as background noise and here’s what’s on right now:
When I tell people that I often work from my home office, they ask if I ever get the temptation to plunk myself in front of the TV instead of getting work done. The answer is no, and part of the reason is that there’s nothing but this junk on during the day.
For no reasons other than I love the band and my stumbling across this list, here are the names of the bands who’ve opened for Queen:
This article originally appeared in Global Nerdy.
This ad won’t make any sense if you’re not a follower of the TV series Lost. However, if you are, you’ll find it amusing…
Click the photo to see it at full size.
Unlike many other oil spills, this one worked its way into popular culture:
For a little more detail about the story, here’s a July 1989 Time magazine issue: Joe’s Bad Trip.
This article originally appeared in Global Nerdy.
One of the best sci-fi series on television, the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, comes to an end this Friday night at 9 p.m. on Space here in Canada and the Sci-Fi channel in the States. With only one episode left, it would seem an appropriate time to point you to the Battlestar Galactica Frakmap, a little chart that tells you which characters have been intimate with each other and quick summary of their story.
The screenshot below shows only a part of the Frakmap, but it’s the part with the most promiscuous of the bunch: Kara “Starbuck” Thrace and Gaius “Horndog” Baltar. Click on the image to see the whole Frakmap: