Austin Travel Diary, Part 4: Ranch Rules

To save money and do some team bonding, b5media rented a ranch house outside Austin where we're all crashing. It's…

17 years ago

Austin Travel Diary, Part 3: You Know You’re in a Red State When…

...the airport has store based on America's favourite fake news channel, FOX News: Seen at my very short stopover at…

17 years ago

Austin Travel Diary, Part 2: Cleveland

I'm chilling out during a four-hour stopover in Cleveland Hopkins Airport, drawing power from an outlet clearly meant for the…

17 years ago

Austin Travel Diary, Part 1: Pearson Airport

Check-in Woes For my 7:00 a.m. flight to Austin (I'm flying there for South by Southwest Interactive), I arrived at…

17 years ago