Life The Current Situation

Larry Flynt’s Message to the Tea Party Movement

I read Hustler for the pictures, but every now and again, Larry Flynt publishes a spot-on editorial, like the one below:

Full page ad in Hustler featuring Larry Flynt: "A Message to the Tea Party Movement - You have a reason to be angry. You are being screwed. The bankers get bailed out, but the working class is left to fend for itself at a time when jobs are hard to find. But your anger is misdirected. You are being lied to. It's the corporations that have brought this about. They have corrupted both the Republicans and the Democrats. Aside from shipping your jobs overseas, corporations want their taxes reduced as a way of further increasing profits. Reduced tax revenue means less money for schools, hospitals, police, roads and everything else we need to keep our country running. The focus of your anger should be not just the government but also the banks and corporations that are looting taxpayer dollars. Your taxes -- the taxes of working Americans -- have already been cut by the Obama Administration. It may indeed by time for a revolution. Just make sure you go after the right people. [Signed] Larry Flynt, Publisher."Click the image to see it at full size.

My only question is: “Damn, Larry, where do you buy your paperweights?”

larry flynt paperweight

The Current Situation

Somali Tea Party

I see that couple of editorial cartoonists have connected the dots between the Tea Party crowd and Somalia:

Comic: "So you hate taxes and government? I've got just the vacation spot for you!" (Points to Somalia posters)

Comic: "Do you hate taxes? Hate government? Hate regulations? Love guns? It's better in Somalia!"