
Be Careful Out There

I’ve just come back from a grocery run with The Missus, and have this advisory if you need to hit the roads in Toronto (and many other places) tonight:

Winter road with pixel highway sign that reads 'The roads are wicked slippery!!!'

I’m not sure exactly where this photo was taken, I can safely say it’s probably New England – maybe Massachusetts. Over there, using “wicked” as an adverb meaning “very” is a pretty common occurrence. I wouldn’t be surprised if the “roads are wicked slippery” message alternated with something like “Don’t be a retahd! Get yeh cah ovah to Dunks!”

Life Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Best Tornado Video Ever

The tornado isn’t all that spectacular (as far as tornadoes go, anyway), nor is the phonecam footage remarkable in any way. What makes this video is the high-larious drama-queen dialogue. I’m downloading this sucker before the guy wises up and yanks it off YouTube.

I hereby give this video the Drama Queen seal of approval:

[Thanks to the Ginger Ninja for the heads-up!]

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Tornado at Bloor and Yonge

Tornadoes normally don’t come ‘round our way here in Accordion City, but today’s storm system was quite unusual. Out here in the High Park area, it turned the sky wasabi green and smack in the middle of town, a proper tornado formed. Local YouTube user “Tubocracy” shot this footage: