
Doctors of the World’s Map of Inhabitants per Doctor

Since I’m on a map kick today, here’s another one: a map by Doctors of the World (a.k.a. Medecins du Monde) showing the ratio of inhabitants to doctors throughout the world. In case you’re not all that hot with math, smaller ratios are better:

Preview image of Doctors of the World’s map showing inhabitants per doctor worldwide
Click to see the map at a larger size.
Image courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

8 replies on “Doctors of the World’s Map of Inhabitants per Doctor”

what a cool graphic.

I’d be interested in seeing the same thing fine-grained for Canada, divided up by municipality.

El mundo, de acuerdo al número de habitantes por doctor…

Un mapa muy interesante, que muestra la cantidad de habitantes que hay por cada médico en distintos países del mundo, desde 230 personas por doctor en Europa nororiental, hasta 50000 personas por doctor en África Central. Mapa original por Doctors o…

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