Pictured below is a device branded as “Cure Sleepiness Right Away”, which fits over your ear and lets out a piercing beep when your head tilts forward. Near the bottom of the package, it says:
Especially suitable for long-distance driving, drunk driving and night driving
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
You can see the device in action in the episode of Kenny vs. Spenny shown below, in which Kenny and Spenny’s contest is to see who can stay awake the longest. The device appears at the 2 minute, 44 second mark:
2 replies on ““Especially Suitable for Drunk Driving””
Hmm… is it just me, or does that text near the bottom look like it has been photoshopped onto the image after the fact? The rest of the artwork is slightly blurry, yet that white text seems very crisp, and there is some distortion behind it that doesn’t appear anywhere else in the image.
@Gary: No, that text really appears there — the Australian government tried to have the product banned last year partly because of this suggested use on the packaging.