Photo by McDowell Crook.
Being 41 years of age, I am allowed to lose a couple of hipster points by not knowing what the rope is for. A little B&D kink, perhaps?
Photo by McDowell Crook.
Being 41 years of age, I am allowed to lose a couple of hipster points by not knowing what the rope is for. A little B&D kink, perhaps?
28 replies on “A Teddy Bear for Your Hipster Lifestyle”
[…] [via a Retwitter from @BondDean original Twitter @AccordionGuy his site Joeydevilla] […]
Have no fear, the rope threw me for a loop too!
Maybe the rope is for climbing out of the cave you needed the flashlight to find your way into to smoke the misc and drink the vodka.
I’m guessing that’s a rape kit.
Hmmm… how long is the rope?
Maybe my mind is being a bit morbid but isn’t it for putting an end to one’s sad existence?
Likely B&D:-))
[…] От тук. […]
Get out from room through the window, when husband will come to his own wife (from you side she is your lover).
where can i get one of these???
What, no Pabst Blue Ribbon?
Ya that’s a rape kit alright. Catcher in the rye says it all. The main character had dreams about catching children and hired a underage hooker.
So ya, rape kit for the mind impaired.
[…] Kuva: McDowell […]
[…] Kuva: McDowell […]
To Anne Onimos

thats what im saying its not “hipster” without the good old blue
[…] en regalarles a sus hombres un afeminado osito de peluche con inscripciones melosas, mejor que sea este osito de peluche: click en la imagen para […]
Hello my friend.
im from argentina. i would like to know where to buy the bear!
I’m pretty sure the rope is for ending it all once the rest of the contents are finished. Death is freedom and far better than any Orwellian-style existence.
[…] (photo by McDowell Crook, more info) […]
I would like to know where to buy the bear!
I’m with Andrew Louis: the rope is for hanging oneself once you finish using the rest of the lovely treats… And I want one!! So, if anyone knows where to get one, please let me know… =)
(5) Misc….. um doobies?
Love IT!! Where can I buy this teddy??:)
[…] an emergency Teddy Bear? Cause I don't but it would be an interesting conversation piece… LOOK IT __________________ And I hear them saying you'll never change […]
Have you never read The Lord of the Rings? You always need rope! If you don’t have it, you’re going to want it.
Judging by the rope and flashlight, I’m guessing ‘spelunking’ is considered trendy now.
como puedo conseguir uno de esos?
olga: No sé donde usted puede comprarlos.