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How Fanboys See Operating Systems

how fanboys see operating systems

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.

138 replies on “How Fanboys See Operating Systems”

Joey, much of the the funniness here is obscured by a big ugly Flash ad. Which also obscures some your Google AdWords bar, oddly enough. FYI.

What slays me is the Mac as seen by Windows fanboys image. Look at that toy – it even has the little Wacom tablet to accompany the goofy keyboard. I’m pretty sure this how our IT department views us designers.

[…] Here is a picture which sums up how fanboys from each major OS perceives other major OS. I have to admit this isn’t totally false. BTW, I’m no fanboy but i hate Mac fanboys! via The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century. […]

If you don’t like the ads don’t come to the damn site. I can’t stand whiners who complain about ads on free sites.

There’s no such thing as a “Windows Fanboy.” People who use Windows are willing to move, just not to Linux (As it stands now) or a Mac OS. Either that or they just don’t know what an operating system is (this is true for Mac users too).

The thing with Steve Jobs holding wads of cash is kind of stupid, though… after all, Bill Gates is the richer man (although Apple’s recent success should change that soon) and Steve Job’s annual salary is (drumroll please)… one dollar per year! Look it up.

@Manhatan : i think that you don’t know win 7.. i am not willing to move from windows any time soon, i dont know the number, but i think i’m not alone

It would be nice if the linux row had pictures of some aspect of the operating systems themselves, although the current method does demonstrate the ideological bent of linux fanboys. It’s good, but I found it graphically lackluster compared to the other rows.

Wow Steve Jobs has a $1 Salary, but wait! What is this? 5.5 Million Shares of Apple? At the current price of 193.05‎ equates to 1,061,775,000 (Pretax obv.)

But whats that Scruffels? He owns 138 million shares of The Walt Disney Co?

Poor Steve, with his low salary I bet he can barely afford Ramen.

The British Museum had lost its charm…

Listening: “London: A Short History of the Greatest City in the Western World”. Reading: “The Storm”. Watching: “Avatar”.
Poll: Greatest City in the Western World?
What I’m Listening To London: A Short History of the Greatest City in the Weste…

@drumrobot I took that to mean that mac is too expensive. I’m a Linux fanboy all the way, and the way I see it is that Macs are nice, certainly way better than windows, but why shell out all the $$ when I can do all that and more for free? (I’m not a designer, so I’m not tied to proprietary apps…). The windows portrayal is funny, but I’d make it a clumsy brutish ogre doing you in the ass instead 😛 Anyway, freakin hilarious. I want the poster too!

It’s so true, every one of the windows and linux ones.

Same thing about linux users running a laptop ‘portal of computing power’ and the windows user running a multi monitor setup. Linux is a great unitasker, but if you’re a manic computer user that actually DOES have multiple large widescreen monitors, there isn’t much choice.

Sure linux would have the support for it, but the miracle of linux is that it runs, not that it performs tasks well. LOL

As the local computer guru, I laugh at the people that buy macs. Literally, laugh. They pay all that for the system and STILL have to buy a windows license.

Oh, also, for free, legal licenses of microsoft software for students. No strings attached.

to the idiot complaining about ads:

1) It’s a free site, don’t shit where you eat (and you’re eating free stuff here).
2)there’s a plenty of Firefox extensions to block flash banners, ads, and so. So stop being a douche and learn2useinternet


Have you ever used a linux box?

As per default you have 4 desktops that you can switch around in(and you can add more), where as windows has 1.
So you don’t need to spend money on many screens. But if you do you can easily extend these four to the four screens or you can do the windows thing and just expand one(dont know why you would though).

I love how people think virtual desktops are somehow a replacement for having multiple real screens! 🙂

Well done, being a mac-fag and linux-fag, I agree with both points of view, and my perception of how windows see us also seems spot on!

All the FUD from various *-fags, it is all FUD, never had a problem with things like multi-monitors (either mac or linux), and never had a windows license (or stolen copy). Sure Steve likes his $$$, but I’m willing to pay for something I see as good value.

As from my point of view, why would I want to get buggered by SteveB, for a BSOD? or even just steal a BSOD?

Wonderful image, although I somehow think that the Mac vision should be …whiter? (Not a Mac fangirl myself, but most Apple designs nowadays seem to go for pearly luminescence =)

I’ve used all three systems, and I can safely say that I’ve had the most trouble with Linux. It wouldn’t detect my wireless card, and when I finally got on the internet it took me 3 hours to get flash support, and even then it was choppy and had out-of-sync audio. I have used Windows for over 7 years (XP, Vista, 7), and I have gotten a blue screen of death exactly 3 times in my entire life.

a linux myself, well linux is the most difficult, but hey you wil finally LEARN how computers work, not wwhich button does what. (and if you are not intrested in that, use a mac. atleast don’t use windows)

spelling error preserverd. not native english speaker.

I’m a PC user and I find that quite funny. Come on you no-sense-of-humour people, it’s just tongue in cheek stuff.

I haven’t use Linux or Mac so I can’t bash for what I don’t know enough about.

well linux is the most difficult, but hey you wil finally LEARN how computers work, not wwhich button does what. (and if you are not intrested in that, use a mac. atleast don’t use windows)

I dont know what the windows fans are talking about…. I switched from windows 98-XP-Vista-7 (used all 4 of them) to Ubuntu linux ( I know i know, some linux guys dont like it that much, but what can i do? Im just getting myself around it :] ) and it is VERY easy to handle. If you have to spend hours to figure out how to make something work, then you sir lack some basic Logic, and definitely didnt look anything up on the internet. I dont like trolls flaming that “this thing sucks, doesnt work” when they dont read anything at all…. Anyways. Flash isnt choppy, no outsync, and everything works fine. Actually most of my stuffs work better on Linux than on windows, and here is a big point, so read it carefully : IT IS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FREE. And it is much easier to use than windows. Also just for your information, Windows is designed and coded so badly that it is slowly killing your machine, making you buy new PC parts. etc…. On the other hand, i have nothing to say about XOS. I’ve seen it, i used it once or twice when my friend left his IMac at me, but didnt dive into it. It might be good, but the price is just way too high. Thats all. I can call myself a Linux fanboy, and i like it. If you are thinking about to use it first time, go for ubuntu, and USE GOOGLE when not sure. (It is normal to not knowing something when the thing is new to you….) What else. Take care. Peace, and no flaming or trolling please.

-Written straight from IBM….-

well linux is the most difficult, but hey you wil finally LEARN how computers work, not wwhich button does what. (and if you are not intrested in that, use a mac. atleast don’t use windows)

@ Biker Jackets: Why should I be interested in learning how my computer works? I also am not particularly interested in learning how my smartphone works. I just use the thing. Besides that you do not give me one single reason for not using Windows.

@Biker Jackets:

*sigh* … No, you do _not_ learn how _computers_ work, when you use Linux, you learn how _Linux_ works.

If you use Windows on a non-consumer basis, you learn how _Windows_ works, which turns out to be a lot more sophisticated under the hood than ABM’ers think.

But then – you can’t really expect that much from those people, since most of ’em seem too dumb to use Windows, judging from the fact that they are the only ones who always have BSODs, crashes, driver issues, slowdowns, viruses and all those other things most of us, consumers or professionals, haven’t had since at least XP.

Even building LFS (have you done it? have you done it drunk too?) doesn’t teach you much about computers, even though I could heartily recommend it, since it doubles as a nice crash course in OS design, not to mention you can feel über-7331 in comparison with the Gentoo people 🙂

Get over it. All modern OSes have their place, their pros and their cons. All of ’em are abstracted away from the actual workings of the computer. If you want to understand how a computer works, take a course on systems architecture or digital electronics. Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure you also get a solid grounding in semiconductor physics.

Lovely cartoon btw 🙂

“If you want to understand how a computer works, take a course on systems architecture or digital electronics. Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure you also get a solid grounding in semiconductor physics.”

Done and………….Done.

It’s true, though, most consumers would accept an electronic tool that works on some sort of black magic that drains your soul and they would be interested in questions like “why does it work?” and “how does it work?”. Because it “doesn’t concern them”

And you think they would care when their computer breaks. Nope. It becomes “let’s find the nearest person who actually took the effort to learn this stuff” without learning how to fix anything for themselves.

Nice thing is, we can reach into their wallets and monopolize the computer troubleshooting industry. It’s not like they’re giving themselves an alternative.

But I would love to go one day without someone’s battery dying followed by the response “can you fix my computer? stupid windows gave it a virus and now it won’t turn on”.

I’d say something like this
Windows on Mac: Unnecesary waste of money
Windows on Linux: Too complicated
Linux on Windows: Limitated
Linux on Mac: Made for rich people who wouldn’t understand linux
Mac on Windows: Just not-working shit
Mac on Linux: What the hell does “linux” mean?

what’s a linux fanboy?! (what’s linux, anyway? but they sure are messed up)

Get over it. All modern OSes have their place, their pros and their cons. All of ‘em are abstracted away from the actual workings of the computer. If you want to understand how a computer works, take a course on systems architecture or digital electronics. Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure you also get a solid grounding in semiconductor physics.

So True. I am a Linux fanboy and I hate to admit it, but these are all true.

I’m a PC technician and I dabble with Linux. I like to compare the OSes to cars. Windows is most of the usable cars on the road from the netbook smart cars to the gaming sports cars to the server straight body trucks. Linux is the full blown semis, not easy to learn but if you become an expert you can accomplish about anything. Mac is the colorful little train that takes you on a tour of an amusement park. You’re not in control and you’re not allowed to do anything that hasn’t been previously approved.

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