56 replies on “Guess What I’m Craving This Morning…”
Printed and on my wall in 30 seconds flat.
Would have been better in bacon colors though.
Further, I blame you for the package of bacon I bought on the way home that I am eating right now.
@Bill: Don’t blame me — blame the Bacon-Industrial Complex!
I could care less about my health, let’s eat bacon!
ahahaha amazing. Love it.
In a word, FANTASTIC!!
Now i have the biggest craving….. and no bacon.
Absolutely hilarious, i want a dog called Dante more than i want bacon though, I’ll even strap an ebony and ivory on his back with a rebellion that would look so cool. I hope this analysis isn’t lost on everyone.
this is a very unfair thing for a person who is living in a country with no good bacon to stumble across
Coffee withdrawall
The four of us at G3 Creative Scotland have been off coffee for almost a week we exchanged our 8 cups a day for two cups of soup.
After suffering sore heads and twitching we are only now starting to feel better.
Best troubleshooting ever.
[…] A bacon flow chart. Via possibly my favorite blog right now, Serious Eats. […]
Who wears pants to make bacon? If you can’t safely make bacon naked then you must not like bacon!
Lets hear it for the people who cook bacon in the buff!!
you should all visit Croatia. i think we have the best varieties of bacon. there are bacons called “špek”, “panceta”, and “slanina” which is the literal translation for bacon. anyways Croatians really enjoy good bacon, and make some of the best bacons one could taste. p.s. GREAT CHART.
On the pantsless issue, I should point out that women face an equally challenging wardrobe issue on the other hemisphere, as it were.
Pure Genius.
[…] Guess What I’m Craving This Morning… […]
Hmm… I bet you want eggs. Or some kind of exotic fruit…
Same reaction as the last guy. Printed and on my wall at work……
The power of copy! at it’s best…I love bacon!
This is great! Hooray Bacon! Bacon in the Buff! Bacon with Dante! Oh Damn, no bacon here! Whatever will I DO? Dante? Go fetch me some bacon! What?! No Dante either? I shall never reach enlightenment.
[…] Meg’s blog is great for lots of reasons, including her good links. The best link yet is this one. […]
I am the BACONATER!!!
Qui fundala jesuime kakaramua! Bacon!
the elixir of life! Bacon!
Posted November 16, 2007 at 1:55 am | Permalink
Now i have the biggest craving….. and no bacon.
Ditto Andrea!
tomorrow i am going to get peppered bacon
I’m not sure how my pug got this flowchart to you, but I’m proud of her. This is really good. It definitely captures her single-minded devotion.
this was the dumbest thing i have ever read. i NEVER post comments but this was so dumb i had to start. dumb. brain cells hurt. gross.
[…] Guess What I’m Craving this Morning – Saskboy also had bacon on the brain. He sent me this post about the thought process this guy goes though in the morning featuring bacon. I found it funny that this guy is afraid to cook bacon without pants, some of the commenter’s on the post think otherwise. […]
I think kate ran out of bacon and is jealous.
I’m a cook and bacon is as coffee, i gotta have it!! Sausage?? Nah, good crisp bacon!!!
From the looks on the time of these posts, no one has anything better to do in the wee hours of the morning but to surf the web for silly sights as this. HA!
I can bring home the bacon….fry it up in a pan, neked.
I Love Bacon! Bacon is the food that makes all other food worth eating!
Cooking Bacon Naked:
Arrange bacon in a single layer in a 10- by 15-inch rimmed pan. Bake in a 375° regular or convection oven until browned, 17 to 25 minutes, turning slices over after 10 minutes. Transfer bacon to towels to drain; discard fat in pan. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Forgot to take your pants back off.
[…] » Guess What I’m Craving This Morning… » The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century (tags: bacon food fun humor foodporn) […]
[…] Bacon Flow Chart […]
ew… i’m a vegetarian.. reading this was like.. ew :))
[…] a set of desktop tchotchkes for those of you who were fans of the bacon flowchart I posted back in November — Mr. Bacon and Monsieur […]
Damnit, now I want some bacon, and I haven’t got any!!
The other night when I was drunk, I went into the fridge and took a rasher of bacon out, cooked it, and ate it.
It was the random est thing ever!! haha but it was gooood!
Mmmm… Ima make a bacon sarnie!
OMG…I LOVE bacon!!!!!!!! If it has bacon on it i’m trying it. Or I’m at least picking the bacon off.MMM
That was really stupid, I wish you had devoted this flowchart to something else besides bacon because it was detailed and funny, but it could’ve been used for a better purpose.
[…] Bacon Flowchart A woman painting a view of the Shenandoah Valley […]
I could just about live on bacon and coffee!
[…] Bacon. Share this:TwitterFacebookMoreEmailTumblrStumbleUponPrintDiggRedditLinkedInLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in awesome, funny, links by Laura. Bookmark the permalink. […]
56 replies on “Guess What I’m Craving This Morning…”
Printed and on my wall in 30 seconds flat.
Would have been better in bacon colors though.
Further, I blame you for the package of bacon I bought on the way home that I am eating right now.
@Bill: Don’t blame me — blame the Bacon-Industrial Complex!
I could care less about my health, let’s eat bacon!
ahahaha amazing. Love it.
In a word, FANTASTIC!!
Now i have the biggest craving….. and no bacon.
Absolutely hilarious, i want a dog called Dante more than i want bacon though, I’ll even strap an ebony and ivory on his back with a rebellion that would look so cool. I hope this analysis isn’t lost on everyone.
this is a very unfair thing for a person who is living in a country with no good bacon to stumble across
Coffee withdrawall
The four of us at G3 Creative Scotland have been off coffee for almost a week we exchanged our 8 cups a day for two cups of soup.
After suffering sore heads and twitching we are only now starting to feel better.
Best troubleshooting ever.
[…] A bacon flow chart. Via possibly my favorite blog right now, Serious Eats. […]
Who wears pants to make bacon? If you can’t safely make bacon naked then you must not like bacon!
Lets hear it for the people who cook bacon in the buff!!
you should all visit Croatia. i think we have the best varieties of bacon. there are bacons called “špek”, “panceta”, and “slanina” which is the literal translation for bacon. anyways Croatians really enjoy good bacon, and make some of the best bacons one could taste. p.s. GREAT CHART.
On the pantsless issue, I should point out that women face an equally challenging wardrobe issue on the other hemisphere, as it were.
Pure Genius.
[…] Guess What I’m Craving This Morning… […]
Hmm… I bet you want eggs. Or some kind of exotic fruit…
Same reaction as the last guy. Printed and on my wall at work……
The power of copy! at it’s best…I love bacon!
This is great! Hooray Bacon! Bacon in the Buff! Bacon with Dante! Oh Damn, no bacon here! Whatever will I DO? Dante? Go fetch me some bacon! What?! No Dante either? I shall never reach enlightenment.
Bacon. Beautiful bacon.
[…] came the bacon flowchart, now […]
Bacon is for fags..
bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon,
[…] Meg’s blog is great for lots of reasons, including her good links. The best link yet is this one. […]
I am the BACONATER!!!
Qui fundala jesuime kakaramua! Bacon!
the elixir of life! Bacon!
Posted November 16, 2007 at 1:55 am | Permalink
Now i have the biggest craving….. and no bacon.
tomorrow i am going to get peppered bacon
I’m not sure how my pug got this flowchart to you, but I’m proud of her. This is really good. It definitely captures her single-minded devotion.
this was the dumbest thing i have ever read. i NEVER post comments but this was so dumb i had to start. dumb. brain cells hurt. gross.
[…] Guess What I’m Craving this Morning – Saskboy also had bacon on the brain. He sent me this post about the thought process this guy goes though in the morning featuring bacon. I found it funny that this guy is afraid to cook bacon without pants, some of the commenter’s on the post think otherwise. […]
I think kate ran out of bacon and is jealous.
I’m a cook and bacon is as coffee, i gotta have it!! Sausage?? Nah, good crisp bacon!!!
From the looks on the time of these posts, no one has anything better to do in the wee hours of the morning but to surf the web for silly sights as this. HA!
I can bring home the bacon….fry it up in a pan, neked.
I Love Bacon! Bacon is the food that makes all other food worth eating!
Cooking Bacon Naked:
Arrange bacon in a single layer in a 10- by 15-inch rimmed pan. Bake in a 375° regular or convection oven until browned, 17 to 25 minutes, turning slices over after 10 minutes. Transfer bacon to towels to drain; discard fat in pan. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Forgot to take your pants back off.
[…] » Guess What I’m Craving This Morning… » The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century (tags: bacon food fun humor foodporn) […]
[…] Bacon Flow Chart […]
ew… i’m a vegetarian.. reading this was like.. ew :))
[…] a set of desktop tchotchkes for those of you who were fans of the bacon flowchart I posted back in November — Mr. Bacon and Monsieur […]
Damnit, now I want some bacon, and I haven’t got any!!
The other night when I was drunk, I went into the fridge and took a rasher of bacon out, cooked it, and ate it.
It was the random est thing ever!! haha but it was gooood!
Mmmm… Ima make a bacon sarnie!
OMG…I LOVE bacon!!!!!!!! If it has bacon on it i’m trying it. Or I’m at least picking the bacon off.MMM
That was really stupid, I wish you had devoted this flowchart to something else besides bacon because it was detailed and funny, but it could’ve been used for a better purpose.
[…] as brought to us by http://www.joeydevilla.com/2007/11/14/guess-what-im-craving-this-morning/ […]
[…] via JoeyDevilla.com […]
[…] Bacon Flowchart A woman painting a view of the Shenandoah Valley […]
I could just about live on bacon and coffee!
[…] Bacon. Share this:TwitterFacebookMoreEmailTumblrStumbleUponPrintDiggRedditLinkedInLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in awesome, funny, links by Laura. Bookmark the permalink. […]
I love bacon too!
You just like bacon!!!