
The 9 Most Badass Bible Verses has a great article titled The 9 Most Badass Bible Verses. Rather than keep you in suspense, here’s number one:

Badass Bible Verses graphic

The things you had to do back then just to get the approval of your future father-in-law! I think Wendy’s dad was satisfied that I had a haircut, a degree and a job.

8 replies on “The 9 Most Badass Bible Verses”

But why did he have to KILL them? That wasn’t in the contract! No one ever heard of a bris?

And why double the number asked for? This guy sounds like an overachiever to me.

But why did he have to KILL them? That wasn’t in the contract! No one ever heard of a bris?

I most adult males would rather be dead than endure adult circumcision (in the field, no less, by an army) without the benefit of precision instruments or anaesthesia.

Just to let you know, Chris, apparently modern adult circumcision rites for the purpose of converting to Judaism consist of a symbolic needle (ahem) prick, not cutting. Blood, however, must be drawn.

Just FYI. 🙂

Ouch. What if you were already circumcised (but not for entry into the Jewish faith)? Still get stuck with a needle? I am gussing so, since the physical requirement may be satisfied but the ceremonial aspect would have been entirely missing.

I think you’re correct. It probably also depends on your Jewish movement (orthodox, reform, etc.). Thankfully, not my area of expertise. 🙂

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