The danger of answering spam that reads:
“Only a buck for a good time!”
Get it? Buck?
“With his Master doing the dirty work, Scruffy reaps the benefits.”
Based on the piece on the credit meltdown, the buck is Bear-Sterns, the dog is JP Morgan, and the hunter is the Securities and Exchange Commission. No, wait, the buck represents Bear-Sterns shareholders, the dog is JP Morgan, and the hunter is the SEC. No, wait, I’ve got it: the gun isn’t loaded and no one’s using it, so the gun is the SEC. That means the hunter is the Bush Administration, the buck being dragged into the darkness is everyone with less than $10 million, and the dog is Grover Norquist.
“Look, Floyd, I’m not saying that an amusement park for pets isn’t a good idea, I’m just saying the rides need a little work.”
@Logan Hawkes: I must say that those are two of the finest comments I’ve seen in a long time. Nicely done!
6 replies on “Caption This Photo!”
The danger of answering spam that reads:
“Only a buck for a good time!”
Get it? Buck?
“With his Master doing the dirty work, Scruffy reaps the benefits.”
Based on the piece on the credit meltdown, the buck is Bear-Sterns, the dog is JP Morgan, and the hunter is the Securities and Exchange Commission. No, wait, the buck represents Bear-Sterns shareholders, the dog is JP Morgan, and the hunter is the SEC. No, wait, I’ve got it: the gun isn’t loaded and no one’s using it, so the gun is the SEC. That means the hunter is the Bush Administration, the buck being dragged into the darkness is everyone with less than $10 million, and the dog is Grover Norquist.
“Look, Floyd, I’m not saying that an amusement park for pets isn’t a good idea, I’m just saying the rides need a little work.”
@Logan Hawkes: I must say that those are two of the finest comments I’ve seen in a long time. Nicely done!