
Kenzie Lind may have accidentally invented Twitter haiku (or: Black Friday in the U.S., summarized quite nicely in three tweets)

kenzie lind tweets

A screen capture of those three tweets, just in case. Found via Huffington Post – click to see their article.

In three consecutive tweets, Kenzie Lind summarized America on Thanksgiving weekend quite well. She may have invented Twitter haiku!

2 replies on “Kenzie Lind may have accidentally invented Twitter haiku (or: Black Friday in the U.S., summarized quite nicely in three tweets)”

If only the third line started with “A” or ended with an enthusiastic “Yah!”…so close.

Mike Adamson: If she’d ended that last line with “BITCH”, the haiku would’ve conformed to both the Japanese 5 – 7 – 5 syllable rule and would’ve sounded perfectly context-appropriate.

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